Sunday, January 19, 2014

10 Things your liver is doing right now

Our liver sure is a very busy organ we have. Apart from just handling the alcohol that we take in, our liver takes care of a lot of things side by side. Check it out.
1.      Controlling levels of sugar (glucose) in your blood.
2.      Processing digested food.
3.      Storing and transporting fats.
4.      Making green bile, which flows into the small intestine to help digest fats.
5.      Processing amino acids (protein building blocks) and making proteins.
6.      Storing vitamins A, B12, D, E and K.
7.      Removing hormones from the blood once they have done their job.
8.      Removing worn out dead blood cells.
9.      Removing bacteria.
10.   Removing and breaking down drugs and poisons.
Looks like everything is done by our liver only!

Ew Fact: The world’s human population deposits an incredible 2 Million tonnes of faeces (shit) everyday! Counting only humans and no animals. This is equivalent to the weight of 5000 completely full jumbo jets.

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