Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Why do we have a leap year?

Ever thought of why do we have an extra day in the year after every 4 years? Let me give you a hint, it’s all related to the revolution of earth around the sun.
One complete rotation of the Earth around its axis counts to one day or one spin. And approximately 365.26 spins (days) make up one revolution around the sun or one year. But we have only 365 days in an year. So a 0.26 spin or day is left every year. After four years this remainder adds up and approximately makes a complete spin/day (0.26 X 4= 1.04). So this one day, which is made by adding up the remainder of every four years, is added up in the 4th year which ultimately gives rise to a leap year.

WTF Fact: Air passengers crossing from Tonga to Samoa, a two hour flight across the International Date Line, often arrive the day before they left!

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